LCCI on City Airport expansion blocking | News and Insights - LCCI
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LCCI responds to Boris blocking City Airport expansion

Friday 27 March 2015

LCCI responds to Boris blocking City Airport expansion

Responding to the decision by the Mayor of London to instruct Newham Council to refuse planning permission for London City Airport's expansion plans. Sean McKee, Director of Policy & Public Affairs at London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) said: "This is an extremely disappointing decision by the Mayor that would appear to run counter to his often stated objectives to improve London's connectivity with the world and ensure our capital remains an internationally competitive city.

"London City Airport is used by many business people for international trips to further trade and commerce activity that delivers ever greater prosperity to London and the wider UK. This is a move by Mayor Johnson that will undoubtedly be bad for business.

"London Chamber of Commerce has been at the forefront of the long-running airports capacity debate, in calling for practical short term options to boost capacity utilising existing aviation infrastructure. This is essential as any new Heathrow or Gatwick runway will not be operational until the mid-2020s.

"London City Airport is a successful port of entry to our capital. Its plans to enhance its operations and make best use of its limited land area should be supported, not thwarted, by the Mayor.

"Perhaps the most concerning aspect of this puzzling decision by our outgoing Mayor is the signal it may send to international investors.

"If a move by the private owners of a strategic asset to London, like City Airport are willing to invest even further, and boost the capital's economy in the process, is blocked, then how on earth will that instil trust and confidence among other investors in London as a good place to put their funds?"


Media contact
Jo Hooper, Press & Media Relations Manager
T: +44 (0)20 7203 1897
M: +44 (0)7827 241528


  1. London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the capital's largest and most representative business organisation, with members ranging in size from multi-national companies to SMEs and sole traders.
  2. Sean McKee, Director of Policy & Public Affairs at London Chamber of Commerce is available for further comment and interview.