General Election 2024 | LCCI Updates | News and Insights - LCCI
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General Election 2024:

Election Day is just around the corner. If you haven't voted before, or just need a refresher, here's LCCI's handy guide on everything you need to know about Election Day and casting your vote:

Where do I vote?

Polling Station Sign

When you register to vote, you'll be sent a poll card telling you where your local polling station is.

If you haven't received one but think you should have, contact your local Electoral Registration Office.

When can I vote?
Big Ben

Polling stations are open from 7.00am until 10.00pm on Thursday 4 July 2024.

As long as you have arrived and/or are in the queue by 10.00pm, you will be allowed to cast your vote.

What do I need to bring?

Polling Card and ID

You'll need to show a valid photo ID to vote in this election. Examples of an accepted photo ID include a driving licence, passport or a PASS card. See all acceptable types of ID here.

How do I cast my vote?

Poll Card

You will be given a ballot paper containing a list of the candidates, parties or options you can vote for. 

Enter a polling booth and follow the directions on the ballot paper by putting an X next to the candidate you wish to vote for.

Fold your ballot in half and put it in the ballot box.

What if I need help or have issues with the polling station's accessibility?

Staff will be positioned at the polling station to help with your queries.

Disabled voters can choose anyone over the age of 18 to accompany them to the polling station and help them vote.

If you can't fill out the ballot paper yourself, you can get the presiding officer of the polling station to mark the ballot for you, or the person accompanying you.

What if I can't make it to the polling station?

Proxy Vote

If circumstances arise on the day meaning that you can't vote in person, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote by 5.00pm.

Eligible circumstances include: a medical emergency, being away for work, or your photo ID has been lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged. 

Can I take photos while voting?


You are not allowed to take photos inside a polling station/booth.

You are welcome to take photos outside.

Revealing how someone else voted - even by accident - can be punishable by a fine of up to £5,000 or six months in prison. 

What LCCI is asking for this election?

General Election Manifesto

LCCI has published its General Election Manifesto, which outlines the London business community’s key asks of the next government.

The manifesto incorporates the insights of LCCI’s diverse membership base, providing a set of clear priorities that London’s business community expects the next government to address. 

Business leaders want to see policies that protect and support the capital’s businesses, enhance London’s international competitiveness, simplify and enable infrastructure and planning to lay the foundations for growth, address long term skills shortages, and foster greater innovation.

Read the full General Election Manifesto.